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Welcome to the formalities of the "About Us" page. This is basically the place where we share all the specificities of the who, the what, the where and the why. So, I won't bore you with all those details but cut straight to the chase. Of course, you can read all of that below.


I am a vessel filled with God iDeas and my life has always been inundated with much of His creative ideas and witty inventions! I birth glitter and a huge part of my calling is to help others do the same.


Hi! I'm Narda. Welcome to my creative life! Make sure to follow the anointed glitter!


About NGM DESIGNS - An Idea is Born. It all began with a seed of thought.


It all began with the seed of thought.

The seed of thought then went from visions dancing in my bubble head to my fingers tapping on a computer where I began to explore and play within the sandboxes of creativity. 

My Story . . .

An Idea is Born

H e l l o



Hi! Yeah, it's me again!
With no former training in website or graphic designing, the only thing I had to work with was the passion and fire that burned within me. Yep, I was my very first customer. While busy building and designing my own websites and graphics for my own look, little did I know that I would soon be branding myself straight into a hobby, not just for myself, but for others.

Our First Employee

Happy Customers

Now, I have happy customers and new friends. You can read the testimonies of my happy customers hereEnjoy them and I hope you will become part of the journey too :)



  • Because it up close and personal!


  • I personally work with every client. Listening closely so that your vision becomes my mission to then bring it to fruition.


  • It is my pleasure to serve and be a blessing in using the gifts GOD has given me to those who trust me with their "baby". 


  • Habakkuk 2 tells us to write the vision down and make it plain.


  • This is the reason why NGM Designs exist.


  • To make plain the VISION GOD gives so that others can SEE IT and RUN with it.


What DREAM has GOD given you?

Are you ready to see the manifestation of that purpose come to life? If you are, then let's go ahead and connect.

Why Us?

NGM Designs will bring your vision to fruition!

Creatively custom graphic and website designs to look just like what you've dreamed of. You dream it! We birth it! Web Design | Graphic Design | Small Business | Ministry | Social Media marketing needs | NGM DESIGNS - Your Vision to Fruition
Creatively custom graphic and website designs to look just like what you've dreamed of. You dream it! We birth it! Web Design | Graphic Design | Small Business | Ministry | Social Media marketing needs | NGM DESIGNS - Your Vision to Fruition
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